Friday 18 January 2013

The best breakfast in Bucks?

There is a great cafe in Holmer Green called Caramal Square. Firstly it serves the most amazing brownies which are rich and soft in a great variety of flavours. The Caramac one they sometimes do is so moreish, well moreish in the I want more but feel a bit sick way.
It is just undergoing a revamp so it will be even more cosy as it sells great little crafty pieces too.
Tom and I went for breakfast there the other morning. Me being slightly piggy went for the Full English Breakfast, which was about £9. Tom went for a small little breakfast bagel. So yes, he had to watch me eat for about 30 minutes- the picture says it all. The bacon was a lovely cut, the bread was thick and buttered well and the beans were Heinz. Oh and you get a bottomless cup of tea. The perfect breakfast...

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