Wednesday 1 August 2012

Good roast at the Hit Or Miss

After Penny and I got very lost in the rain and having to drive rather than walk we went to the Hit Or Miss in Penn Street. I had seen good reviews for this place and they were right. It was Sunday lunch and it was really busy, which is always a positive! There was a limited choice as it was Sunday- either turkey, salmon, beef or lamb and a vegetarian option. One course is £11.95. We both went for the beef, which was excellent. It was my kind of beef- with lovely fat on it full of flavour. There was a good selection of vegetables from cauliflower, carrots, parsnips to roast potatoes and some vegetable type sweet potato thing which we didn't even know what it was! Yorkshire pudding was not up to my mum's standard but you can't have it all. A thoroughly good roast!

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