Friday 3 August 2012

Good veggie burger recipe

Sweet potato and Quinoa (or cous cous when the supermarket sells out) burgers
Another Olive recipe! You just can’t go wrong with this. And a vegetarian one too. Ooo eer.
I cooked them for Penny and I  and they are SO easy to make. You will need:
50g quinoa if you have any but I used cous cous
2 large sweet potatoes
1 tsp ground cumin
A pinch of chilli flakes
Parsley (I used dried parsley- about half a tbsp)
2 finely chopped spring onions
1 egg yolk
Plain flour for dusting
Oil for frying
4 rolls
Soured cream
Chilli sauce
Cook the cous cous according to the packet. Then drain and cool and pat dry with kitchen towel. Cook the sweet potatoes in the microwave until tender and scoop out the flesh into a bowl. Then add the cous cous, spices, spring onions, parsley, and egg yolk and make four patties, so the recipe says but I made six!
Then cool in the fridge for about 15 minutes. Heat some oil in a pan. I used olive. Dust each burger with flour and cook for about 5 minutes each side until crispy!
Put in the rolls with avocado slices, soured cream and chilli sauce. I served with oven chips and Penny’s lovingly prepared salad.
These are good, tasty burgers. Also! As an alternative you can roll the mixture into small balls and serve in pitas for a falafel-type snack. Yum.

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