Sunday 17 February 2013

The Great British Sticky Toffee Pudding

Also for my mum’s birthday I made a Sticky Toffee Pudding from a Great British Puddings book I have. I love this recipe and it always goes down really well, although the profiteroles took the limelight a bit. It is quite a dense pudding with a gooey toffee sauce.

The recipe is as follows:


225g dark muscovado sugar

100g butter

150ml double cream

Tablespoon of lemon juice


175g stoned dates, roughly chopped

75g butter, softened

100g caster sugar

Finely grated zest of one lemon

2 large eggs

175g self raising flour, sifted

Half a tsp bicarbonate soda

To make the sauce put all the ingredients in a saucepan and stir until the butter has melted and the sugar has dissolved.

Soak the dates in boiling water. Then cream the butter and sugar together. Add the lemon zest and then add the eggs one at a time. Add the dates, once they have cooled, with the water. Then fold in the flour and bicarbonate of soda. Grease a two pint pudding basin and then pour half the sauce mixture into the bottom then add the pudding mixture on top. Put a piece of greaseproof paper across the top with a pleat in and then foil, with another pleat and tie string around the bowl to secure the paper and foil on. Put the pudding in a saucepan with water filled to half way up and simmer for three hours.

To serve tip out of the basin. Re-heat the sauce and put in a jug for people to help themselves. Serve with icecream or cream.

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